Traditional Research

1. Samskrta-Kavi-Kavya-Kadambakam (Volume 1 & 2)

A Comprehensive account of the life and works of Celebrated Sanskrit Poets of India

Saṃskṛta Kavi-Kāvyā Kadambakam: A Comprehensive account of the life and works of Celebrated Sanskrit Poets of India” is a remarkable project that serves as a comprehensive guide to the world of Sanskrit literature. The project, available in both book and online portal formats, offers a meticulous compilation of information on 100 celebrated Sanskrit poets, providing a valuable resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts alike. The uniform template used for presenting information on each poet makes navigation and exploration of this rich cultural history accessible and engaging.

The project’s objective is to bridge the gap in previous attempts to catalogue Classical Sanskrit literature by providing a comprehensive and inclusive account of the poets and their contributions. By presenting the poets in chronological order and providing detailed information on their life, works, and contributions to Sanskrit literature, this project offers a deep understanding of the evolution and significance of this ancient art form. “Saṃskṛta Kavi-Kāvyā Kadambakam” is a monumental achievement that not only preserves and showcases the timeless beauty of Sanskrit literature but also serves as a platform for further exploration and appreciation of this profound literary tradition.

2. Srimad Ramayana of Valmiki Pandit Devashikhamani Alasingacharya (Kannada)

Sri Ramayana and Mahabharata, the twin epics, are like the two eyes of India, symbolizing its rich cultural heritage. The remarkable story of Sita, who selflessly endured imprisonment for the liberation of others, holds a place of unparalleled significance in history. The timeless tale of Ramayana will continue to resonate as long as majestic mountains and flowing rivers exist, fulfilling the wish of Valmiki Maharshi, the divine author of this epic masterpiece. With the divine grace of Chaturmukha Brahman, the words flowed effortlessly through Valmiki Maharshi, akin to a celestial stream of nectar.

To capture the essence of this “adi kavya” (original epic), narrating the profound depths of Sri Ramayana in a few words becomes an insurmountable challenge. However, this Kannada version of Sri Ramayana, crafted by the revered Pandit Sridevashikhamani Alasingaracharya, endeavors to satiate the thirst of devoted readers seeking the poetic and rejuvenating “rasa” (essence) of this enchanting epic.

3. Srimad Bhagavatam (Kannada)

Pandit Sridevashikhamani Alasingaracharya’s Kannada rendition of Srimad Bhagavatam retains the unique features specified by the revered Acharya himself, as mentioned in the introductory remarks. Notably, this Kannada version was initially published in a Madras (now Chennai) newspaper and later transformed into a book form by Srivenkateswara Publishers, spanning around nine volumes, accompanied by available illustrations at that time.

Over time, the same publisher released multiple editions, some with pictures and others without. Now, with the generous support of Shri E S P Das Vidyapratisthan, this Kannada version is being republished in an even improved format.

4. Fundamentals of Visistadvaita – Dr. M.A. Alwar

For centuries, India has been revered as a land abundant in virtue and righteousness. Its people inherit a legacy steeped in education, a relentless quest for knowledge, deep devotion to God, and the practice of rituals that bring immense benefits in this life and the hereafter.

Unfortunately, recent times have witnessed the influx of undesirable influences and foreign invasions, both cultural and physical, which have caused a significant decline in human values. As a consequence, people have forsaken the once-beneficial and virtuous rituals, resulting in a state of chaos in various aspects of human existence, particularly in religious and spiritual realms.

5. Srivaishnava Festivals and Auspicious Days Significance & Procedures

The Srivaisnava tradition holds a vital and distinct characteristic: the belief that every action we undertake is a service to God and is devoted to Him. This exceptional sentiment sets this tradition apart.

Moreover, the reverence shown to devotees, known as bhagavata-s, elevates the practice even further, making it truly unique. Being an integral part of the broader Indian spiritual tradition, practicing Srivaisnava is a source of pride and fulfilment. It emphasizes the deep connection between our actions and devotion to the Divine, enriching our spiritual journey.

6. Sri Ramanuja Life & Philosophy

ಶ್ರೀ ರಾಮಾನುಜಾಚಾರ್ಯರು: ಜೀವನ ಮತ್ತು ಸಿದ್ಧಾಂತ

Throughout history, numerous philosophers have emerged, yet the appearance of a mystic philosopher is a truly extraordinary occurrence. Mysticism and philosophy often seem at odds, with one being rooted in pure emotion and the other in pure logic. However, Sri Ramanuja accomplished something remarkable by bridging the gap between the intellectual and the emotional, thereby formulating a universal philosophy. His compositions beautifully blend a scholarly mind with a poetic heart.

Additionally, Ramanuja’s endeavors in social reform exemplify his deep compassion for the oppressed. Recognizing that everything that exists and will exist is simply a manifestation of the Lord, he lived fearlessly. To him, liberation and happiness were intertwined, encompassing all aspects of human life, including the physical, social, cultural, mental, and spiritual realms. He encouraged others to perceive the Divine within humanity and recognize the presence of humanity within the Divine. Ramanuja’s teachings and actions have been successfully resonated with a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the divine and human existence in this bi-lingual book on Sri Ramanuja.

7. ಶ್ರೀ ವೈಷ್ಣವರ ಹಬ್ಬ-ಹರಿದಿನಗಳು
ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯ ಮತ್ತು ಆಚರಣೆ

The Srivaisnava tradition holds a vital and distinct characteristic: the belief that every action we undertake is a service to God and is devoted to Him. This exceptional sentiment sets this tradition apart. Moreover, the reverence shown to devotees, known as bhagavata-s, elevates the practice even further, making it truly unique.

Being an integral part of the broader Indian spiritual tradition, practicing Srivaisnava is a source of pride and fulfilment. It emphasizes the deep connection between our actions and devotion to the Divine, enriching our spiritual journey.

8. Melkote an Introduction (Kannada, Hindi, Telugu) 

Our ancient culture has withstood the test of time, spanning across countless millennia. One integral aspect of our tradition is the visualization and worship of God in diverse forms. We firmly believe that God manifests in different forms at sacred centers, responding to the aspirations of devotees. Among these revered pilgrimage destinations, Melukote holds a prominent position.

Situated in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, Melukote boasts a rich tapestry of mythological, historical, and cultural heritage. The purpose of this booklet in 4 languages is to provide readers with an overview of the significant facets of this divine center. By offering this insight, we aim to provide a proper perspective of the place, allowing visitors to Melukote to appreciate and embrace these aspects fully.

9. Sivoham: Being Siva

A commentary on Siva Mahimnah Stotram – Tara Murthy

This literary work introduces readers to the Vedantic wisdom in a gentle and inspiring manner, unraveling the splendor of Lord Shiva. “Shivoham” is a poetic scripture that harmoniously presents the essence of Vedic knowledge, making it accessible and motivational. With its serene and enlightening approach, the book guides individuals towards a meaningful life, intertwining spiritual pursuits and contemplation.

This work becomes a spiritual guide, fostering both personal growth and an understanding of how to lead a purposeful life within society. It offers a philosophical path for seekers of spirituality and enthusiasts of metaphysical exploration, presenting them with invaluable insights and wisdom.

10. Vasantatilakashatakam

Vasanta Tilaka Shatakam” holds a unique place in Sanskrit literature, being a vital component of poetic artistry, encompassing aspects such as phonetics, semantics, figures of speech, aesthetics, and appropriateness of expression. The 100 verses of “Vasanta Tilaka Shatakam” expound these intricacies in a clear and accessible manner.

11. Shubhashitashatakam

100 Beautiful Sanskrit Shlokas- Kannada translation: Dr. H V Nagaraja Rao

“Subhashita Shatakam” comprises 100 splendid Sanskrit verses composed in diverse captivating meters. These verses resonate with contemporaneous human life, encapsulating political, educational, societal, and spiritual dimensions.

The verses not only convey the essence of contemporary life but also engage in insightful deliberations.

12. Self-Teaching Multimedia Programs for Grantha and Sharda Scripts

Samskriti Foundation® is deeply committed to the preservation of our ancient scripts, which once adorned traditional palm-leaf manuscripts. These intricate scripts, including Grantha, Sharda, Nandinagarai, Newari, and Tigalari, hold an exotic charm. Unfortunately, the knowledge of these scripts is dwindling due to various factors. Addressing this challenge, Samskriti Foundation has ingeniously developed Computer-based Self-Teaching Multimedia Programs tailored for the Grantha and Sharda scripts.

These programs offer an interactive learning experience, significantly reducing the dependence on external instructors. Learners can delve into these scripts at their own pace, transcending the constraints of time and space. The programs are designed to incorporate self-assessment components, ensuring students’ progress and understanding. Moreover, real-time manuscript reading sessions further enhance the learning journey. In essence, this initiative stands as a distinctive and invaluable contribution by Samskriti Foundation to the realm of Manuscriptology, preserving and propagating the legacy of these ancient scripts.

13. Self-Teaching Multimedia Programs for Vedic texts

Samskriti Foundation is dedicated to the preservation of the intricate Vedic oral traditions, through which the vast and profound Vedic texts have traversed generations in a sacred teacher-disciple continuum. However, the custodians of this rich tradition, who transmit these texts with utmost purity, precise pronunciation, diction, and intonation, are regrettably becoming scarce. To address this impending gap, Samskriti Foundation introduces an innovative solution—a Computer-based Self-Teaching Multimedia Program, designed as a pilot project.

This program is tailor-made for learning the quintessential Vedic texts, specifically the five Sukthams, which hold immense significance. By integrating modern technology, this interactive program significantly reduces the reliance on external instructors. Learners can engage with the texts at their own pace, free from the constraints of time and location. The pedagogical approach comprises Devanagari script and English transliteration, bolstered by literal meanings displayed on the screen.

The package offers two dynamic modes: “Recite” for focused practice and “Teach Me” for comprehensive learning. Moreover, the “Tell Me More” section provides a deeper understanding of the latent meanings and essence within the text. This multifaceted program is a stepping stone towards revitalizing Vedic text education, empowering individuals to embark on a transformative journey of Vedic exploration.

14. Jnanasvatthah: Flagship program of the Samskriti Foundation

An extensive knowledge structure encompassing the entirety of Traditional Knowledge, unified under one comprehensive platform:

  • The objective is to make traditional texts and media accessible to both the general public and experts alike.
  • The goal is to create a repository that encompasses diverse content from various languages and domains of traditional knowledge.
  • Emphasis is placed on capturing knowledge from different perspectives across languages.
  • Epistemology serves as the foundation for organizing the knowledge within the structure.
  • Experts are empowered to connect and link to relevant knowledge through structures like ontology.
  • A crowdsourcing-based framework is being developed to capture, tag, and curate content.
  • Additionally, a framework is being designed to facilitate the creation of innovative applications using this content.
  • The underlying technological support will feature a flexible and extensible architecture.
  • Multi-dimensional information access and search mechanisms are being crafted to ensure efficient exploration of the knowledge within the structure.